
Saturday, May 29, 2010

We arrived at Moturina island and as soon as we got the anchor down, lots and lots of happy "Huba-luba" kids came to our boat with their dug-out canoes, trading fresh fruit for whatever is western and we can give them - t-shirts, lollies, exercise books, pencils, fishing lines, balloons...

"Huba-luba" is our slang word, carefully designed by politically correct John, to describe the Papua New Guinea locals.After exchanging gifts with the kids we took the dinghy to the beach and were invited by the locals to see their village. They all live in wooden, beautiful huts and run a very simple way of living. Women work the gardens, men go out fishing, children at school and church on Sundays...

In the afternoon we set-up the hammock on the boat, swung it off the side, above the water and enjoyed the beautiful sun set.

On sunday we witnessed their church service with beautiful chants, run by the local pastor. On Monday we went across the island, on quite a hike that the kids do every day, to the school. You can't beat the excitment of all the kids at the school when we got there... :)
Sadly, they have a soccer field in school but can't afford to buy a soccer ball for the kids to play...

We also tried chewing the Beetlenut over there, that thing they chew that gives everyone red, rotten teeth... God that was horrible!

The beetlenut... Suspicious...

Look! No hands!

A local fisherman...

The view from Moturina's highest peak


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